李敏妮 – 參選香港記者協會主席



李敏妮 – 參選香港記者協會主席 – 新聞稿

本人李敏妮(Sherry Lee)宣布參選香港記者協會主席,並於2024年5月31日上午9時16分,親身遞交了提名表格,連同附檔政綱。





若閣下是記協會員,歡迎致電 61587494聯絡本人,或電郵至 sherrypenmedia@gmail.com




Press Release

Sherry Lee runs for the Position of Chairperson of the Hong Kong Journalists Association

To all media editors and reporters,

I, Sherry Lee, now announce my candidacy to run for the position of chairperson of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA). Today – 31 May – I submitted my nomination form along with the attached election platform in person at the HKJA office at Wanchai.

The slogan of my election campaign is “Standing Tall for Journalism”. 

Firstly, if I am elected, I will strive to create impactful work that tackles the prevailing condition of press and journalism freedom in Hong Kong, and enable the media industry to exert the fourth right to monitor our government and shed light on societal issues. Secondly, I would wish to inherit the HKJA’s spirit of resilience and maintain its impartiality.  I will also focus on fund raising in order for the HKJA to sustain. Thirdly, I will place my priorities on enhancing the professional standards of the media, enabling the industry to further achieve constructive progress.

As a veteran journalist who has won multiple news and human rights press awards, I firmly believe that only when Hong Kong’s freedom of expression is protected, can the media industry be the voice of people, and defend vulnerable communities. When the media profession upgrades its standards, it can lead to improvements in the government’s policies, making them more people-oriented. Society as a whole can progress, and Hong Kong can once again become an international metropolis where people live and work in peace and content.

Therefore, I urge all HKJA members to participate in the election of the Executive Committee and cast their votes in my favor. Once elected, I will uphold the professional ethics of the media, guide journalists to speak out courageously, leading the industry to a brighter future. I enclose herewith my election platform and eagerly call for your support to spread my message to all journalists. 

If you are a HKJA member, please contact me at 61587494 or email to sherrypenmedia@gmail.com

Freedom is the cornerstone of Journalism. Without freedom, a journalist is no different to a caged bird that cannot fly out. In the future, the Hong Kong Journalists Association will actively protect freedom of the press and freedom of speech, enabling the bird to be released, and fly off to present its work to the world. 

Sherry Lee

A veteran journalist



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